21-Day Cleanse Dashboard

Welcome to the 21-Day Cleanse!

Simply put, over the course of these 21 days, we journey through two distinct phases. Week 1 ushers in the Live Food phase, where we will be dedicated to preparing our bodies for the subsequent week of liquid nourishment. In Week 2, Liquids, our digestive system enters a state of slumber, enabling a thorough detoxification process. As we transition into Week 3, we gradually reintroduce Live foods, gently reinvigorating our digestive systems to operate at optimal capacity once again.

The Program

On days 1-7, we turn off the stoves and enjoy uncooked fruits, veggies, and seeds. Eating food in its raw form allows the enzymes to start repairing our bodies.

On days 8-14, we eliminate all fiber and flood our systems with nutrients. Our digestive systems will slow down and allow our bodies to detox at their full capacity.

On days 15-21, we will slowly reintroduce food to allow our digestive systems to ramp back up. This time will allow us to reevaluate food and decide on the optimal diet for our goals!

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Culinary Healing