Culinary Healing Cleanse Programs

Day 1 – Live Food

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3 responses to “Day 1 – Live Food”

  1. Good day all,

    In terms of food and self-care, I am in a similar space as LaMana, if not worse. Not eating as clean, low on exercise and high on alcohol (no pun…) I’m up in weight, peri-menopausal, hormonal and feeling some kinda way. I’m not new to this cleanse and my intention this time around is to get back on track with the clean diet (or more importantly, mindset) I once lived by. I will also push myself to be more active by including 1-2 gym visits per week as part of the cleanse regimen. Finally, my body does not accept alcohol very well these days so I will meditate and visualize life without it or, at least with less of it.

    I pray you all get to meet all of your intentions during this journey.

    Love and light~

    [btw: it’s been breakfast smoothie bowls for most of the week and I’m about to make a nice salad. Then for dinner, likely marinated strip portabellas over cauliflower fried rice.]

    1. Hey Sis, I felt everything you said and as we get older we have to change for the better. I knew you would be on this cleanse. Love Mel

      1. Heeey Mecc! We got this.