21-Day Cleanse

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $50.00.

During these 21 days, we will eat and drink REAL, unprocessed, natural foods and juices (don’t worry, we will learn what that means). There are no gimmicks and there are no pills to buy. We will allow food to be our medicine, repairing us at the cellular level. There are simple guidelines to follow each day, recipes and videos for extra help, and peer support to help keep us motivated. If you need a little help to get on track to better health, join us. The 3 Phases are: Week 1 – Live Food (The most delicious uncooked fruits and…

SKU: 21dayCleanse


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Side Note:  For my folks who have done this with me for years, we are switching to a simpler format.    No Whole Food days and an optional Water day.  We think this will yield even better results and will be better than ever!

DISCLAIMER: Do not participate in this cleanse if you are pregnant, nursing, or have chronic medical conditions. Although this cleanse is intended to improve overall health, it is not a replacement for professional medical care. We are not medical doctors. If you are on medication, consult your doctor before participating. By registering for this cleanse, you agree to hold harmless Culinary Healing and any of its employees for any issues while participating in this cleanse.